Saturday, September 08, 2007

Visit from Malmö

This weekend my brother Robin, his wife and my nephew & niece came to visit us. As usual it was very nice to meet them, especially since my niece and nephew are very funny and talk a lot like children do. Today I went to play golf with Robin, but the truth is I was only a caddy since I don't yet have my own set of golf clubs + I need some exercising before I can play. Anyways, it was great coming out for a long walk to get some fresh air :) It was also Robin's birthday so when we got back we celebrated him with some cake and presents. I've also spent 3 hours on cleaning his car both the outside and the interior and I think it looks brand new now :)

My trip to Australia has been delayed since my visa is not yet granted, and also some of the other youth who I am going to work with are waiting for their I was hoping on leaving next week but it seems I will have to wait for some time more. It kind of sucks because I don't have much to do, so to get the time going I either read, clean, sleep or watch TV. Another reason why I don't like to wait is that I start thinking a lot about Australia, and maybe even start to worrying about how things will be...well I guess that's me in a nut case. Hope you're all having a good weekend! /Jake

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