Friday, August 03, 2007


As usual it's been a while since I last wrote here...but I've got great news, I'm going to Australia in September! It's been a long process with many forms to be filled in but now everything is almost done. I'm just waiting for my visa and then I'll be ready to go. Australia is a country that is probably as far away from Sweden one can get, and sometimes this fact has really scared me, but I know deep inside this is what I want to do. I feel it in my heart, and I've felt it for such a long time it's just stupid to fight against it for longer. One year at the university made me understand that you can't fight against your own will. And I've also realized that there is no reason to listen to what other people tell you to do when you already know what you want to do. I think that is a big mistake many people make. The only one you disappoint when not fulfilling other peoples' wishes is yourself. So, everyone who reads this, follow your dreams and you shall be happy! I just want to thank some special persons who've supported me in this decision and who've been there for me when I needed it . You know who you are and words can't explain what you mean to me. Lots of love, Jakob

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