Saturday, April 14, 2007

I should

try to write more often here, but obviously I have to be in the right mood. The last two weeks have been very exciting, and I've traveled around in Sweden, also to Denmark, and last but not least to Norway. The 5th-9th of April there was a Nordic Bahá''í Youth Conference in Lillehammer which I went to. It was a great conference with an interesting theme, good program and nice entertainment. I also got to meet one of my friends Lisalee and we had the opportunity to work together as security guards during the conference. Working as guard was nice but also demanding due to night shift. It worked out fine though and I had a great time!

When I got home again I had to study for two tests, but I have to admit I was a bit short of time. The first one which I had on the 12th probably didn't go so well and the second one on the 13th (friday) went better but of course I managed to make 2 small errors which might be just enough for me not to pass. It's not the first time I write these test, and rewriting them over and over again is not that I hope for the best. School this year has been twice as hard as I'd thought from the beginning. So I'm not so sure if I will continue on this programme. But we'll see what happens. See you around. /Jake

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