Sunday, February 11, 2007

A sign of winter

The winter has finally come to Linköping, and while the snow is still here I just have to go skiing. There is a place 10 min from where I live (at the golf club) where one can go skiing. So yesterday I went there to ski. The conditions where perfect, sunny weather, -7 C and perfect tracks. It's just so nice to come out and breathe fresh air. Lately I've been sitting too much by my new computer and now I start to regret that I bought it in the first place. It's mostly a waste of time. Well, hopefully I'll find something that is better for me to do and something that brings more joy to my life. The search continues...

1 comment:

witherandgrow said...

I used to regret bringing my computer to my college living too. I wasted so much time in front of my computer too... oh wait.. I still do :)