Tuesday, July 25, 2006


This is my latest acquisition, a Saab 99 GL from 1977. This is the second car I buy and I now have two cars to take care of. Since before I own a 1970 Saab 96. The reason why I bought this new car was because I felt a bit restless and I needed a new project to work on. I don't know why but I think there's really something special about Saabs. This car was not in good mechanical condition when I bought it since it had been standing for two years, but now I've atleast made it start, though I have some problems with the clutch that won't work. But I think I'll work it out somehow. I find it quite stimulating to work with cars though I sometimes get very angry when things don't work out. Then I get mad and start yelling at the car...but I guess that's normal...hehe :) Perhaps not so many of you are interested in cars but anyways...I hope all of you are having a nice summer...it's been 25-30 C here for 4-5 weeks which is nice but we could need a little rain I think.


witherandgrow said...

hehe, can just picture you yelling at your car! would be funny to see :D Over here it's been raining a lot lately, maybe we can switch the weather from sweden to norway and vice verses. :) Hope you're setteling in fine! I'm having driverslicence nightmares, where my one friend got her licence on her first try..and I'm almost too scared to try again..thinking I might fail again. I feel like a loser. oh well. -Lis

Jakob said...

You're not a looser, we are all good at different things...don't worry about your driving license, I'm sure you'll do fine if you just feel confident in yourself and that you now what you are doing :)Trust me..it will work :)My dad will bring my car to me next week, really looking forward to drive it again. Too bad studies are taking all of my time though :/ -jake