Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A much longed-for answer

Today I logged into the Swedish College Agency to check the status of my application to college this autumn. The decision was to my surprise already done and it said I was accepted to the college in Linköping!! I'm just so happy that I'm almost bouncing of joy :) For weeks and months I have been wondering what I will do after the summer and now I finally know :) I'm also happy because now I can move away from this place and get my own place and my own life. I know it's going to be harder to live and manage everything on your own but I'm pretty sure I'll do fine. And it takes only 4 hours with train to go home and see my parents. I just hope that this is what I want to do. Atleast I'm going to give it a try. And if I don't like it, I might go abroad for a while and work. I don't feel like I'm bound to do a certain thing. I want to explore the world, learn new things and get to know new people :) I just want to do something that feels meaningful to me. Thanks to all the people who support me!


witherandgrow said...

THAT'S GREAT!! Congradulations! I'm sure you'll like it! and if not there's always something else to do! Really good news! Hugs hugs!

Jakob said...

Thanks!!! I think I will like it too, a soon as I get in to it :) It feels like a new chapter in my life and I'm really full of expectations! Looking very much forward to see you on thursday :) Many hugs!!