Friday, October 20, 2006

Braces off!

Hi friends, now I've at long last removed my braces so my teeth can be free again :) It took more than 18 months but I think it was worth it. I know I might sound vain to you but the look of my teeth were bothering me so that's why I decided to get braces. And since I was still under 19 at that time, I got the chance to fix it for free, which was great! I should have got braces earlier, but for some reason I disappeared from the waiting list which I had been on for 3 years!...anyways I'm really happy with the result and now I can start thinking about other things :) Smiling for instance :D

Lately I've been thinking of travelling somewhere, maybe take a break from school next year and go work abroad...I feel there's still so many things I wanna do other than studying! And at the moment studying is not that fun and my motivation for it isn't that strong. Oh well, things can change. Hugs! /me


witherandgrow said...

Your teeth are free! hehe great congrads! Hey, everyone has some vanity in their life..once in a while atleast. I'm glad you're happy with the result.. happy gummybear times huh? year of service in wait for you perhaps? I really reccomend it. Besides maybe you'll find new inspiration from where ever you may serv in the world. Hugs hugs!

Jakob said...

Thanks! Yeah I'm really longing to do a year of service, would be really nice to serve somewhere! I just feel so meaningless here...I need to feel that I'm doing something that is meaningful, and studying is good but right now it doesn't feel that important. Hopefully next summer I'll go somewhere. Until then, studying it is. Hugs to you my friend :)