Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Today I came home from my one-week vacation. And what can I say, I had a really great time but it's too bad it didn't last for longer. But oh well, it was enough to refresh me and give me new strength. I went by plane last tuesday up to the north of Sweden to a place called Sundsvall, where most of my relatives live. I've helped my grandfather with different things in their summer cottage and other than that I've spent a lot of time with my cousin, who is a very close friend of mine. We were up until late almost every night ending up grilling corncobs, fishing, screaming at each other, listening to music, watching movies etc. I must say it really made me relax and think less about my job etc. A week goes very quickly away, so yesterday I had to hurry back to start working on wednesday. Unfortunately the plane was cancelled (and I hadn't booked any ticket) so I rented a car quite cheap to drive the long 900 km back home. I stopped at my aunt's place for the night and then I drove the remaining 600 km today. was kind of exhausting. The last 150 km where especially boring, hehe. Anyways, I'd prepared for working this afternoon/evening but when talking to my work-mate on the phone, he said everything was under control and he told me to go home and I did. And then I realised I could have stayed another day in Sundsvall taking the plane home tonight (a bit cheaper) and I felt a bit like an idiot. But what you don't now you can't do anything about, I guess. And atleast I got see my aunt, and of course the beautiful, long roads of Sweden, haha ;)

Ps. If you read this far, you deserve a big hug :)


witherandgrow said...

Sounds like you had a nice vacation! It's good that you are so close with your cousin! :) I probably would have ended up doing the same thing as you, renting a car and driving all day...but like you said, atleast you got to see your aunt! :) Hugs

Jakob said...

Yeah, it's really fun to be with friends who don't take things so seriously :) It makes you forget about the hard times. I'm glad you read my blog, I read yours too but I feel ashamed I don't comment so often. I'll try to improve :) By the way I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make it to your wedding. Hopefully I can find a cheap flight ticket on 19/20 of July. Hugs!

witherandgrow said...

Good to hear! I can hardly wait to see you. If you can't come until the 21 of july then that's okay too. :) Don't worry about that you don't comment, it's the thought that counts ;) Molly and Splotch say hi :D Hugs!