Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's been a while

since I wrote here, and I guess there is a reason for it. Since no one seems to visit my blog, I felt no bigger meaning into writing anything. But today I thought I'd write something. If not for you people then for myself ;) My life has been like an unstable flight the last months, not knowing if it would end with a crash...anyways, now I feel much better, thanks to people who have listened and helped me back on track. Suddenly all the colours came back, colours that have been there but which I couldn't see. The colours of life. I'm not so sure about the future, but I'm pretty sure that I'll move away from this place by the end of the summer. I think that if we do the same things every day, every week, every year, we will slowly stop to evolve as humans. We need variation. Move your mind!!
Hugs to everyone :)


witherandgrow said...

Variation is good! It's definetly good to do different things. I think taking pleasure in simple things that make you happy is the best thing! Try drawing or painting..you might have a special knack at drawing in your own style or some hidden talent? and how's the camel coming along? You don't have to make a camel, only if you want to. :) Hugs

Jakob said...

Maybe I have a hidden talent, but then I haven't used it yet...I'll see if I can think of something.
I don't know what it's like in Norway, but here most young people go out and get drunk on the weekends...I'm pretty sure there must be something else for people to do...and I'm definitely not going to follow the stream...never. But if one wants friends, one has to socialize in some way...and I'm sure there's gotta be a way without involving alcohol. I guess I'm just narrow-minded. That's the reason why I can't see the possibilities in everything.
Anyways, I think I'll start working on your camel as soon as possible, so you'll have it before Ayyam-i-Haa 2016 ;) I really want to try, it would mean much to me as well. Thanks for writing! Hugs :)

witherandgrow said...

I know what you mean. I do find it kind of frustrating to get "a lot of new friends" at parties or out on the city, and the next day they act as if they don't know you. Well, and oh well. I usually end up teaching people about the baha'i faith when they're drunk, cause that's when they dare talk about religion and they're curious about why I'm not drinking. So nothing wrong with hanging out with people who drink, I usually just drink soda or battery along with them. It's all about being social, and I for one, don't need alcohol to be social ;) Hang in there! hugs

Jakob said...

That's interesting to hear. When I go out I always get to drive people to different places since I don't drink...and I feel kind of like I'm being used. But oh well...I usually drink a soda along with them too, but they always try to make me drink...however I will never drink, that's for sure. Cause then I'm no longer Jakob, just some other fool.
But I really need to be more social, I feel so isolated otherwise. Hugs :)

witherandgrow said...

I can see that, you don't have to drive your friends around every weekend, let them manage themselves, and take the bus yourself and save some gasmoney that way ;) hehe