Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A different birthday

Yes my birthday was two days ago, on the 1st of May. I'm not going to make a long story out of it. Simply because there's not much to say about it. I was home alone with my parents, and it was raining all day so it was a pretty slow day, and it was one of the oddest birthdays I have ever had. No one came by, and I guess no one was invited either. Well, I don't have so many friends living here anymore, and my relatives live far away as well as my brothers. This of course meant more cake for me! :D But they hadn't forgotten about me (luckily). Some people called me or sent an sms, so I'm not sad :)
The difference between being 19 and becoming 20 is not very big. One good thing though, is that I'm not a teenager anymore ;) The best part of my birthday was that my boss at work let me have a car the whole weekend :D I was really happy about it, because it was my favourite car (which he didn't know). A Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan :)
Material things can make you happy, but not as happy as a friend who says: Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

by the sound of things, you took the 19-20 birthday rather matureley!! me on the other hand... i cried the whole day.. iwasn't a teenager anymore.. but i'm used to it now.. being 21 and all hehe