Wednesday, August 27, 2008

back to school

so i'm back at uni again after nearly a year of volunteering and sure feels strange to go back to something you are not used to doing..but this time i'm at a different uni ( I have moved to Uppsala) and a bachelor programme instead of master which i think will suit me better. And this week and the following we're having orientation and getting to know our we have a lot of fun all day long playing games and socializing etc...tonight we played rounders (simlar to baseball but not quite). After that everyone went to a tent where there was a party with music and beer but i decided to go home..yes i know you think i'm boring and all that but i guess that sometimes i'm satisfied with a little less...and since i don't drink it's a bit harder to 'melt in' sometimes..but that's just me i guess..

anyways i don't know what will happen to this blog since no one seems to read or comment anything? (i know i write very randomly and maybe that's why some might think it's never updated)..oh well..guess everyone uses facebook nowadays..

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I forgot

to say that sweden took its first Olympic medal today!! I was watching with my dad and it was so exciting i couldn't sit still. Emma Johansson took silver after a tough spurt in the women's road cycling race. wohooooo!!

This summer

I have been procrastinating all the things I should have done before I start with uni. Now it's only 5 days left before I move and I realize I must start doing all those things i could have done all summer...I never learn.

Everyone can learn

- to believe that people can change
- to make decisions consciously and responsibly
- the recognize the power of belief
- to allow themselves to be led by the word of God
- to have a positive attitude to life
- to choose a direction for their lives and follow it
- to stop wanting to be right all the time
- to recognize the importance of discussion
- to become less emotional and more loving
- to act, rather than simply react
- to become less self-centered and more spiritual

...and to believe in lasting happiness rather than fleeting moments of pleasure

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Life is a struggle

Effort is an inseparable part of man's life...Life is after all a struggle. Progress is attained through struggle, and without such a struggle life ceases to have a meaning; it becomes even extinct.
-Shoghi Effendi

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

summertime in sweden

mm..wild strawberries growing in our garden

no swedish summer without coffee ;)

a friendly little hedgehog

view from our summer house..can't get much better than this

fika - a swedish tradition that includes coffee and cake..did i mention we have it 3-4 times a day? :)

you might think it's 7pm, but it's 12.45 am in the it's basically bright always :)

a nice fire to keep the mosquitoes away...

...and 2 crazy guys eating hot dogs 2am in the morning :)

..and an amazing view when the sun rises

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

back to work the third summer in a row i'm working for Avis. I started this week and immediately i'm drowning in i came to work 8.45 am and got home 6.15 pm..and then i had to come back at 8pm for 2 more customers...thank God it's only 7 min to drive there! The reason I have to be there at random times is because there are flights arriving at different times during the day..sometimes as late as 10.30 pm. Anyways..don't know why i tell you about this..maybe i'm just looking for sympathy ;) But I honestly like this job, and i guess that the most important thing well as it brings in some money :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm back

It's time to wake up this blog again..
and this time I'll try to write more regularly (I'll really try hehe)
nowadays everyone uses facebook to communicate but i think a blog is still more personal and it's like a personal space were you can share your everyday-thoughts in an easy way...

so after 8 months at the Baha'i temple in Sydney I'm back on swedish ground. And I'm not sure what to feel. It feels like I haven't been gone for very long and everything feels so normal and boring..I miss my old uncomplicated life...but I know it always takes time to adjust when you've been away for a while..
but right now I'm already planning to go back next year and study..but I guess I'll take one thing at the time. First work a bit then go to uni in september..that's what i know...but I'm pretty sure the future has plenty of good stuff to share too :)

Sunday, December 09, 2007

This is it for a while

As you might have noticed I haven't got much written here lately. The reason is lack of time and also that I have a traveling diary where I write more frequently. So for a while I'll just leave this blog to rest. /Jake