Wednesday, August 27, 2008

back to school

so i'm back at uni again after nearly a year of volunteering and sure feels strange to go back to something you are not used to doing..but this time i'm at a different uni ( I have moved to Uppsala) and a bachelor programme instead of master which i think will suit me better. And this week and the following we're having orientation and getting to know our we have a lot of fun all day long playing games and socializing etc...tonight we played rounders (simlar to baseball but not quite). After that everyone went to a tent where there was a party with music and beer but i decided to go home..yes i know you think i'm boring and all that but i guess that sometimes i'm satisfied with a little less...and since i don't drink it's a bit harder to 'melt in' sometimes..but that's just me i guess..

anyways i don't know what will happen to this blog since no one seems to read or comment anything? (i know i write very randomly and maybe that's why some might think it's never updated)..oh well..guess everyone uses facebook nowadays..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dont delete it nooooooooooooooooo....