Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Here I am folks, in the big city called Sydney :) I came here on friday, the trip was quite long but went quite smoothly. So far I've been introduced to the staff and got familiar with the facilities and it feels like I've come to the right place :) I'll be working in the ground around the temple (gardening) and on Thursday I'll start once I've gone through all the equipment and safety details.
This weekend there was a spanish festival in Sydney Darling Harbour which was very nice. Spanish music, salsa and a really nice athmosphere. We've also been to the beach to eat some fish n chips and it's was rally nice! The weather here has been very nice since the day I came here, probably around 20-29 degrees every day :) I'm trying to upload pictures but at the moment it doesn't seem to work, but if you want to see some, go to www.resdagboken.se and search for jacke86 and there you'll find something. There I also have a diary on what's going on in Sydney, but unfortunatley it's in swedish.
I also have to say that I'm not able to access facebook and orkut since they have been blocked by our server due to some application it uses. So, please just send me an e-mail instead, I love e-mails :) Anyways, hope you're all doing fine, I miss you a lot! /Jake