Sunday, September 17, 2006


As some of you already know, I have moved away from home and I'm now a student in the city of Linköping. Linköping is a quite nice city and it's also bigger than my hometown, which means that there's alot of things one can do. The strange thing is that most of my time goes to studies. The programme I'm studying is really hard and it demands a lot of studying in order not to slip behind. But of course I've already slipped behind, and then especially in math. Math is a subject that really sucks sometimes and I wish it wasn't a so elemenatary part of the programme. Studying on your own usually never works, so you really have to have someone to work with. Most of the people in my class have someone to work with except me, but now atleast I know some people that I can ask for help. It makes it a lot easier. Almost every morning the past weeks I've asked myself if I've made the right choice by starting with this programme, and I'm still not sure. The first year is always hard they say so I guess I'll just have to do my best. It's not so easy going from a job to studies, but studies feels more important when thinking about the future etc. But oh well...nobody said everything it was going to be easy. I just hope I'll get through this in one piece. Bye for now!