Tuesday, July 25, 2006


This is my latest acquisition, a Saab 99 GL from 1977. This is the second car I buy and I now have two cars to take care of. Since before I own a 1970 Saab 96. The reason why I bought this new car was because I felt a bit restless and I needed a new project to work on. I don't know why but I think there's really something special about Saabs. This car was not in good mechanical condition when I bought it since it had been standing for two years, but now I've atleast made it start, though I have some problems with the clutch that won't work. But I think I'll work it out somehow. I find it quite stimulating to work with cars though I sometimes get very angry when things don't work out. Then I get mad and start yelling at the car...but I guess that's normal...hehe :) Perhaps not so many of you are interested in cars but anyways...I hope all of you are having a nice summer...it's been 25-30 C here for 4-5 weeks which is nice but we could need a little rain I think.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A much longed-for answer

Today I logged into the Swedish College Agency to check the status of my application to college this autumn. The decision was to my surprise already done and it said I was accepted to the college in Linköping!! I'm just so happy that I'm almost bouncing of joy :) For weeks and months I have been wondering what I will do after the summer and now I finally know :) I'm also happy because now I can move away from this place and get my own place and my own life. I know it's going to be harder to live and manage everything on your own but I'm pretty sure I'll do fine. And it takes only 4 hours with train to go home and see my parents. I just hope that this is what I want to do. Atleast I'm going to give it a try. And if I don't like it, I might go abroad for a while and work. I don't feel like I'm bound to do a certain thing. I want to explore the world, learn new things and get to know new people :) I just want to do something that feels meaningful to me. Thanks to all the people who support me!