Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's been a while

since I wrote here, and I guess there is a reason for it. Since no one seems to visit my blog, I felt no bigger meaning into writing anything. But today I thought I'd write something. If not for you people then for myself ;) My life has been like an unstable flight the last months, not knowing if it would end with a crash...anyways, now I feel much better, thanks to people who have listened and helped me back on track. Suddenly all the colours came back, colours that have been there but which I couldn't see. The colours of life. I'm not so sure about the future, but I'm pretty sure that I'll move away from this place by the end of the summer. I think that if we do the same things every day, every week, every year, we will slowly stop to evolve as humans. We need variation. Move your mind!!
Hugs to everyone :)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A different birthday

Yes my birthday was two days ago, on the 1st of May. I'm not going to make a long story out of it. Simply because there's not much to say about it. I was home alone with my parents, and it was raining all day so it was a pretty slow day, and it was one of the oddest birthdays I have ever had. No one came by, and I guess no one was invited either. Well, I don't have so many friends living here anymore, and my relatives live far away as well as my brothers. This of course meant more cake for me! :D But they hadn't forgotten about me (luckily). Some people called me or sent an sms, so I'm not sad :)
The difference between being 19 and becoming 20 is not very big. One good thing though, is that I'm not a teenager anymore ;) The best part of my birthday was that my boss at work let me have a car the whole weekend :D I was really happy about it, because it was my favourite car (which he didn't know). A Saab 9-3 Sport Sedan :)
Material things can make you happy, but not as happy as a friend who says: Happy Birthday!