Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Life is a struggle

Effort is an inseparable part of man's life...Life is after all a struggle. Progress is attained through struggle, and without such a struggle life ceases to have a meaning; it becomes even extinct.
-Shoghi Effendi

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

summertime in sweden

mm..wild strawberries growing in our garden

no swedish summer without coffee ;)

a friendly little hedgehog

view from our summer house..can't get much better than this

fika - a swedish tradition that includes coffee and cake..did i mention we have it 3-4 times a day? :)

you might think it's 7pm, but it's 12.45 am in the it's basically bright always :)

a nice fire to keep the mosquitoes away...

...and 2 crazy guys eating hot dogs 2am in the morning :)

..and an amazing view when the sun rises