Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Wide awake

Lately I've been thinking I should write something on my blog, but I couldn't think of anything to write about until now...I guess my creativity has been low for a while. On Friday I have my first test in programming and I'm a bit nervous about it since when it comes to tests I usually get a blackout when I have the test in front of me. We also have two other tests to do before christmas which means I'll be studying 24 hours a day...almost ;) I'm tired of failing tests so this time I'll give all I have in order to pass. I'm really looking forward to christmas-vacation, this semester has been really hard, and I hope the spring semester will be easier. Next summer, I hope to go abroad and do a year of service for the Bahaí faith, something I've really been longing to do. Studying has made me feel meaningless, and the swedish society (and people in general) keeps on annoying me. You probably think I'm an outsider, but at least I can think for myself and I don't have to party or get drunk every weekend in order to have fun. I guess I've become more critical towards the society, because many people don't even try to make the earth a better place to live in, and they don't care about the bad things that are happening in the world. Like, all people care about is how to win big money on poker, or calling the surveillance company to give their neighbor a parking fine because he or she parked on their parking space...pathetic things that could make you throw up. Why not forgive your neighbor for stealing your parking space, thinking he didn't mean anything bad about it? Why not send a thought to those who can't wake up in a bed with a roof above them? Why not try to stand up for what you think and say "I think this is wrong" and try to do something about it? Think of all the things we could do if we just change our attitude. We can all change the world, and now is the time to do it.