Thursday, April 20, 2006


I started with my new job on the car-rental company Avis. It was everything I had hoped for and a little more. Just awesome! The guy I work with is really cool and lets me work on my own already (despite that I'm a trainee the first weeks). I get to clean cars, fuel them up, deliver them to customers and of course drive them :) The best part is that most of the cars are pretty new. For those of you who know me, I'm a real carfreak and there's nothing I'd rather do than work with cars. So, thank you for giving me a new start in life. The last months of my life have been really challenging and some days I'd prefered not to wake up at all. But I hope this job can put the smile back to my face again. Bring back the good old Jakob.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

My nephew

This is my nephew and his sister Molly. I saw him for the first time last friday. He is only four weeks old and very cute! His big sister Molly seems very happy to have a brother. She is also very sweet and funny and she likes to play a lot. She is only two years old but understands everything one says and she speaks pretty well too. She seems more clever than many grown-up people. That really fascinates me.