Saturday, March 11, 2006

Gustav 1986-2006

This is Gustav. He was one of my very best friends. He only got to be 19 years old. He died from cerebral haemorrhage during a training session when he was on a training camp in France. He was one of Sweden's most promising orienteer. He was also the best mate you could ever have. Always friendly, happy and humble to everyone. Everybody loved him. Why is it that the best among people always die? I don't know the answer to that question, but what I know is that Gustav was like an angel who brightened our lives during his time here on earth. I will always carry with me the good memories we had together, and I'm sure that one day we will reunite again. He will always be in my mind, for he was not only my best friend, but also a perfect example of how a friend should be. Rest in peace, brother.