Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Never give up!

During a year I have now completed the following things: 300 km of cycling, 3 km of swimming, 30 km of running finally 90 km of skiing, which I did on February the 26th. I'm really glad that I now have made "En Svensk Klassiker"...freely translated one could call it " A Swedish Classic". It wasn't exactly easy and it demanded a lot of determination, but I'm glad I made it :) Especially the two last events were close to being cancelled for me since I was not feeling 100% well. Luckily I took the right decision and I survived! To all of you who have hard tasks to do, I only have one thing to say: Never give up! :)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Square One

Yeah so today I've finally created my own blog. I don't know why but I guess it might help me in some way. So anyways, today I went to the dentist to adjust my teeth (yes I still have braces) and I had hoped for getting rid of them soon but they need another 3 months so what can I say...this really sucks. This means that I cannot go to Australia and work yet, but I can just sit here and wait for someone to call me to an employment interview. So I guess I'll just do the best of the situation and take care of myself.